All my life, I have loved dogs and adopted from my local shelter. Then I adopted an Alaskan Malamute from CHAAMP, and my life changed, and my love grew for rescues. I met Kelly Citrin, CPDT-KA, MBA and owner of 4 On The Floor Dog Training in Rockville, Maryland who became my mentor and dear friend.
There is so much more to training than technique. We must observe the whole dog to include their emotional state and physical condition as well as their human's. Your furry companion and you deserve consideration to find an achievable way forward. Please do not wait until your dog's behavior escalates. We do not want our dogs to experience discomfort, fear, or frustration that they lose their mind (and temper) and resort to air snapping or a bite. Whatever the issue, you are not alone. I am most grateful to Michael Shikashio, CDBC who is one of the kindest dog professionals that I have ever met and provides a safe space to learn. I regularly attend the annual Aggression in Dogs Conference that Michael hosts sharing the latest information related to dog aggression.
Relationships and two-way communication are important to me. Suzanne Clothier's Relationship Centered Training™ helped improve my communication with Bucky Jack who actively tried to train me! She provides insight on ways to understand our furry companions and nurture a mutual partnership. I highly recommend attending one of her webinars or taking one of her courses.
I live with two malamutes, and a husky. By providing a healthy outlet to satisfy their desire to hunt and engaging games, they do not chase critters or pull on a leash. To reduce frustration, we practice two-way communication. There is more to life than treats, there are life rewards too. All three enjoy nose work, which ​I highly recommend. It helps dogs with big feelings.
Dianna, owner of Scent Work U created online learning to enrich dogs' lives who struggle with big feelings. You will find Tony Gravley who is an instructor at Scent Work U and coaches Lucie and Lucky Bucky. Team Bucky titled in the Summit League Trial NACSW, which is a huge accomplishment!
I am committed to continued learning and growing to do my best to help Alaskan Malamutes and dogs in need. I work full-time, so please be patient. I reserve time on the weekends to volunteer my services to CHAAMP. I offer my support with kindness and understanding. You can reach me at mimi.tello@chaamp.org to set up a consultation or help finding a trainer. Please visit our free resources.