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Our favorite EQUIPMENT


Martingale Collar with a buckle

In case of an emergency, you can remove the martingale with the buckle. We highly recommend using a harness, to avoid any pressure on your dog's neck, especially if your dog pulls. When dogs are over their threshold, they do not feel pain in the moment. Imagine all their weight pushing on their throat. This can cause damage to the throat causing arthritis, thyroid issues, to a collapsed trachea. 


Warning: Martingale collars with a buckle can break with the force of a Malamute lunging to chase deer or critters. Another reason why we recommend a harness. 


Please remember to remove the martingale collar when the dog is unsupervised, especially when left alone in a crate. Dogs can get the martingale collar stuck and choke themselves to death. This can happen to dogs of all ages. Always supervise dogs' play. Collars and harnesses can get stuck on the other dog's equipment causing a choking hazard and possibly death.  



We recommend a flat leash strong enough for your dog but also fit nicely in the palm of your hand when you close it (watch video below). We do NOT recommend retractable leashes because it can easily slip out of your hand and the string/leash part can burn your skin. If you choose a biothane (waterproof) leash, consider wearing gloves, especially if your dog pulls or if you are still learning how to hold a long lead. 


Watch Michael Shikashio, Strong dog that pulls on-leash?


We use a dog leash to keep our pups safe, like a safety belt. Please follow leash laws.


Chelsea Murray,Pawsitive Futures YouTube Leash Walking Playlist


Chelsea recently reviewed Non-Stop Dogwear Touring Bungee Adjustable leash, which is great because it has a handle next to the carabiner that connects to your dog's harness for moments when you need total control. 



Harness to collar safety clip

We recommend using a collar safety clip to connect the martingale collar to the harness. If your pup slips out of the harness, they are still connected to the martingale collar. 



Front D - Clip

Malamutes were born to pull and hunt. What do you do when a rabbit or squirrel runs in your path while walking your dog?! To keep the pet parents safe, we recommend clipping the leash to the front D-clip of your harness. If they pull, the front connection prevents the Malamute from running because it turns him/her around facing you. We do not recommend this for long-term use, only short-term during training to keep you safe. Please do not rely on equipment to do the work. We encourage training :)


TTouch Connector:


Head Harness

We do not recommend using a head harness as a sole method to control your dog from pulling. When a dog is over their threshold, their emotions take over and they will pull hard. Imagine lunging at something at full strength and then being stopped with all that pressure on your neck. Ouch! People in a car accident may not feel pain at the moment, but then later their neck is stiff, pinched nerve, and pain. The same thing can occur with a head halter causing arthritis, etc. Read Suzanne Clothier, "The Problem With Head Halters"


Headcollar vs Harness - which is better for our dogs' welfare? - Dogs Today Magazine



Harnesses should fit like a good shoe to avoid injuries and prevent interference of your dog's natural gait. We highly recommend using a Y-shaped harness. Northern breed dogs are very smart, and some can Houdini their way out of a harness. This is why we like to use collar safety clip by Fox Valley.


Easy And Stress Free Way To Get A Mushing Harness On Your Dog

Resource: Pawsitive Futures Video:



The following harnesses are used by our Malamutes for everyday use. There are different harnesses used for weight training and other dog sports. Some are multi-purposed like the Alpine Outfitters and CTC Dog Gear.


Alpine Outfitters

Customized harness available. Urban Trail® Adjustable Harness (Half-Back / Shorty)


CTC Dog Gear:

Customized harness available.


Howling Dog:

Howling Dog Enterprises Distance Harness


Non-Stop Dogwear: 

Unleash your potential | Non-stop dogwear® (



Dog Pulling Harness for *pulling sports only*


Lakeview Dog Gear:


Pawsitive FuturesChoosing a Canicross Belt


Hands free belts

Malamutes are very strong! When using hands-free, it is important to use a dog sport belt to distribute the weight around your hips to prevent back injuries. 



  • CTC Dog Gear Hip Belt

    • Simple belt with no straps. It can be a little warm to use in the summer.

    • Comfortable and practical.

    • You cannot attach a standard treat bag to the belt, but it works great.



  • CaniX belt

    • Lightweight and used for optimal performance.

    • Leg straps 

    • The carabiner moves on a loop. 


Car Safety 

Always secure your dog in the vehicle to prevent them from jumping out.  A good harness can easily connect with a dog seat belt. You can use an iBuddy Dog Seat Belts or a crate.



Training Treats

Please use healthy treats and reduce meals to prevent weight gain. We highly recommend using limited ingredients with little to no preservatives to prevent upset tummies and pancreatitis. Treats with lots of ingredients can cause diarrhea.



Make sure you have low, medium, and high value treats. Hard work deserves hazard pay like human grade cheese or steak! If you want your dog to choose you instead of chasing a squirrel, a cheerio or biscuit is not going to be enough. However, chicken or cheese is more likely to get their attention.  


Change it up. If you ate your favorite dessert or meal every day, it might become boring after a while.  





Using a muzzle during a vet visit reduces stress. It is important to teach your dog at home how to wear a muzzle and practice using it. When they see the muzzle, they know that cheese is coming. Using your own muzzle is way better than using the temporary muzzle provided by the vet. A muzzle gives everyone a peace of mind. 


A muzzle is a great tool to know how to use in case of an emergency. If your dog is hurt and in pain, they may react and possibly even bite you. However, if you have trained your dog with a muzzle, it will not add to the trauma and keep everyone safe.



Other Harnesses


Dogable Dog Training has a wonderful post about harnesses. 

A study shows that harnesses are always safer compared to collars.

A harness should not restrict your dog's shoulder blade, which can affect their gait leading to negative consequences for a dog's health and wellbeing. 


- TTouch

- Perfect Fit

- Mekuti Balance

- Blue-9 Balance

- XtraDog


Tellington TTouch has a very nice harness that clips to the front with a TTouch® Connector. 



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